Thoughts to Ponder

Give yourself the freedom to create with worries. There's a reason why the "Edit" button was created.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

90 Braver Days Module2 Output and Realizations

I woke up on July 21, 2016, feeling fresh and hopeful.

I finished the Braver Days Road Map module 2.

I knew what I had to do for the next 90 days.

To write, publish, market and sell an ebook.... on my personal history with playing Japanese Role Playing Games.

Yes, yes.

I know.

Who would even buy a book from me?

Heck, who would even buy a book about the impact of JRPGs on someone's life?

I don't know who would. but I do know that there's someone out there.

But there is more to selling that meets the eye.

My Braver Goal is also about being comfortable about the person I am. My Braver Goal is also about fulfillment.

My Braver Goal is something worth fighting for.

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