Thoughts to Ponder

Give yourself the freedom to create with worries. There's a reason why the "Edit" button was created.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

All you need is 15 minutes, a shitty draft and 2 questions

Day 2 into the #90Braverdays

One of the realizations was that... yes, 15 minutes is absolutely enough to show up and get the ball rolling.

On July 11,  I was reviewing my answered workbooks and the modules when I felt the urge to write on my beloved Final Fantasy 8 fanfiction.

My last update was on May 2016, before I traveled to South Korea.

I learned from Arriane Serafico that 15 minutes is enough. It's enough time to start. 

Everyone has 15 minutes.

At 10:30 PM, I sat down and switched on my laptop. I encoded the draft paragraphs I wrote on my trusty yellow-pad. After 15 minutes, I saved the file and switched off my laptop.

The next day, I faced my the draft and asked myself the following questions:

"What's right?"

"What's not right?"

Those two questions, which I learned from Edward Burger and Michael Starbird's
"The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking", helped me overcome my writer's block.

I killed some sentences. I killed some paragraphs. I breathed life into new sentences and paragraphs.

For the first time since May 2016, I felt a huge burden lift from my shoulders.

I had finally written the ending for the chapter I procrastinated for 2 months.

But the battle is far from over.

I still have to face that Chapter one more time and ask myself the following questions:

"What's right?" and "What's not right?" , then proceed to kill and breathe life accordingly.

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