Thoughts to Ponder

Give yourself the freedom to create with worries. There's a reason why the "Edit" button was created.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Web Fiction Part 2

August 12, 2016

As of writing this post, I have created 3 blogs dedicated to my planned fiction. 

I have created three posts for The Oath. Good. I'm going to abandon that project for awhile.

I fell into the trap of the Shiny Pebble Syndrome. 

Starting fiction sites are, well, shiny. 

It's sparkling. It's beautiful. It's distracting. 

Nevertheless, it's allure is potent that I couldn't help myself but create those sites on blogspot. 

Today, I decided to abandon The Oath. 

The story has potential, but I have to let it incubate first. I'm focusing on my book right now, 

Today, I wrote on my morning pages. I wrote and wrote, trying to decode why I felt unhappy for the past few days. 

One of the things that popped was that I felt my life was a mess, or my room also felt like a mess. 

And my room was actually a mess!

I wrote and wrote again, trying to search for a solution. Something popped out. 

Start a Routine.

Oh great. A routine. 

Routines are a hit-miss for me. Sometimes I get it, sometimes I don't. 

Like writing fiction. Sometimes I get it. Sometimes I don't. 

One thing I did get right was blogging daily (or more like blogging my personal woes to the personal world). I got it right because I set myself a simple goal: Publish a blogpost daily. That was my goal. I used a different strategy. I create buffer posts and schedule when it'll be posted. Does that count as cheating? Maybe. I didn't say, "I will write and post daily."

Let me tell you this. Writing is a chore. It drains my mental capacity to think. Sometimes, I get a flash flood of ideas, and my only choice is to write them. Sometimes, it's a really bad drought, and I face the blank paper not knowing what to write. 

But I still manage to write. After all, my goal is to publish a blogpost daily. It doesn't matter how I do it. As long as I hit it, I will definitely hit it. 

I want to create another fiction. A storybook-like webfiction, where storybook-like is defined as, having a page for who the characters will be, illustrations of the map, a glossary of the characters.... something like that. 

I know I can't devote a lot of time to create webcomics. I don't have the luxury of time as I had when I was younger. Drawing is time consuming. Writing is time consuming. But I can always try, can't I?

I want to create a storybook-like webfiction. It's a dream of sorts. It's a big, courageous dream. Right now, I have a different priority. 

Dreaming is okay. I tell myself. 

Work on your dreams, one step at a time. 

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