Thoughts to Ponder

Give yourself the freedom to create with worries. There's a reason why the "Edit" button was created.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

I found my Diamond Field

I forgot who said this, but it goes like this: Doing something repeatedly, expecting that something will happen, is insanity.

Then call me insane.

I've been blogging daily for one month now.

It was a simple experiment I picked up from Seth Godin and CJ Chilvers.

It was a dare.

Would I get more readers?

Hah! As if I'd get them.

I mean, who would come here and read my sh*t?

"Nobody wants to read your own sh*t"

          - Steven Pressfield

It's discouraging. I know. 

Yet I continue to write. Like a miner, endlessly digging the ground to search for a diamond field. 

In my case, I'm looking for my diamond field called "Niche".

Through out the years, I've changed. Like the cliche goes, "Nothing is permanent in this world but change."

My interests and hobbies changed. 

I was into drawing as a kid and teenager. 

I'm now into writing and fiction. 

I once proclaimed I would love Japanese Anime and JRPGs. 

I now proclaim to love non-fiction and personal development books. 

I allowed myself to enjoy the variety of interests I've developed. 

I no longer confined myself to games, and TV shows. 

Though I still confine myself to books. 

Then one day, it happened. 

I was passionate about group's cause. That cause was "Spiritual and Financial Abundance".

I'm passionate about it because I'm a beneficiary of the group. 

I've experienced the benefits firsthand. 

And I wanted to write about it. 

I wanted to share my experience and hope that someone gets converted *lol*. 

But seriously, I want people to experience the same benefits I'm receiving. 

Hence I started another blog: The Truly Rich Club Experience

I've found my Diamond Field. 

And I'm giving myself a shot. 

Failure, after all, is simply not trying. 

And I want to try.

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