Thoughts to Ponder

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Saturday, June 25, 2016

A responsible pet owner...not

I'm going to be honest.

I'm not a responsible pet owner.

Despite the fact that I grew up with dogs.

Despite the fact that we have a cat.

Despite the fact that we have chickens.


Because I'm not hands-on.

Because I grew up with house helpers to take care of their shit.

Because I don't want to get dirty.

....All the while  I gush over social media or friends how adorable they are.

I know it's an ugly sight to behold, but I needed to be honest with myself if I truly want to change.

Being a responsible pet owner calls for more than emotionally being attached to them.

Being a responsible pet owner is all about getting your hands dirty.... this is something I never wanted to do, until Paphu came.

So thanks little guy.

I know I still have a lot to improve, but I can always take my baby steps... my daily disciplines. One day, I'll wake up and realize how different I am from the pet owner you initially met.

I promise to take care of you. To be responsible for your health and well-being. To show you rules. To be your pack leader.

Love you, Paphu!

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