Thoughts to Ponder

Give yourself the freedom to create with worries. There's a reason why the "Edit" button was created.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What will you do?

It's 6:00 pm and you have just arrived from work.

"What will you do?"

This is a question I believe we should ask ourselves from time to time.

               A. Watch TV until bedtime
               B. Read ebooks until bedtime
               C. Surf the net until bedtime
               D. Set aside Options A-C, and finally do that project you've been itching to create.

If you're the kind of person whose comfortable with options A-C , then please feel free and continue to do them.
But if you're the kind of person who has done options A-C for most of your life and you realize nothing has been happening to your life , then I suggest you take another option. Something like option D.

You see, I used to practice option D before graduating HS. I was very much into drawing, making comics and creating digital art. I was active in forums and in DeviantArt. In those days, I believed I was destined for an art career. But reality can sometimes be harsh.

I abandoned my dreams for something potentially "lucrative and practical".

After becoming a registered nurse and landing a good paying job not related to my profession, I still felt empty. I would go home, and lose myself to options A-C.

One day, I looked around. I recalled many of my dream projects. Projects which I started, but never bothered to finish. Projects that would only be confined within the depths of my mind. It was really depressing.

While browsing the net , I encountered a blog (and I can't remember that blog, sorry.)

But the entry went like this:

"What will you do once you're home?" (*yes, that entry is the inspiration for this entry!)

and suddenly, I had another flash of realization.

Nothing was going to happen.

Unless I did something different.
Unless I broke free from my usual routine.
Unless I questioned whether my actions would bring me closer to what I wanted.

Then and there, I made the decision to ask myself this question when I arrived home from work:

"What will I do?"

and I gave my answer: "Well, I want to start that blog. I want to start that webcomic. I want to start exercising."

And it's a question that I have been asking myself everyday. And my life has significantly improved.

* As soon as I can remember, I'll give proper credit.

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