Thoughts to Ponder

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Saturday, September 5, 2015

12 Ideas on how to be a Real Life JRPG Character (Part 1)

Have you ever played Japanese RPGs (JRPGs) before? It's a popular genre way back in the late 90s until the late 2000s. You play as a hero out to save the world. You play for the plot. (as I used to say!)
JRPGs were a big part of my youth. I immersed myself in different worlds and different characters.
Now that I'm an adult (23 years old), I no longer have the luxury of to sit in front of my TV screen to play a console game. My 8-5 job sucks the life out of me (I don't hate it, but I feel empty at certain times). But JRPGs never sucked the life out of me. I always had fun with it!So I decided to do a little experiment...
I've been reading James Altucher's works for a couple of days now, and I put to test his suggestions: 10 ideas a day and idea sex. 10 ideas on how to make life bearable/interesting plus my love for jrpgs equals 12 ideas on how to be a real life JRPG character
Let's rock!
1. Dream of doing something different from your routine
9-5 job sucking you dry? Don't worry, even my 8-5 job sucks me dry too. Even JRPG heroes are doing something that sucks them dry (before they embark on that journey that changes them. 
Stuck in a small village.
Stuck with their parents.
Stuck with their grandparents.
Stuck with their only sibling.
Stuck with the only job they have ever known.
Stuck with *insert whatever comes to your mind*.
Lunar 2's main protagonist, Hiro, was stuck as an archaeologist.
Until he saw the light from the Blue Spire.
Until he met Lucia.
Lunar SSSC's Alex was stuck in his village and his dreams of becoming a Dragonmaster.
Until Ramus approached him with the idea of stealing Quark's Diamond.
Suikoden's Tir McDohl was stuck to live a comfortable life as General Teo's son.
Until he sided with Ted and ran away with the Soul Eater Rune.
Alec from Arc the Lad III was stuck in Sasha Village.
Until bandits attacked his beloved village.
I've been stuck my whole life. (okay, this is an exaggeration). I am stuck in living a creative life. It's hard. I used to have big dreams as a creative person. Write stories. Write comics. Publish comics. Sell art. Improve my art. Live life as an artist. Along they way, I lost my vision. I lost the dream. and the most painful part of life, is to lose the ability to dream and to lose the ability to execute a dream.
Yeah, yeah. Whoever is reading this (including me), have a dream. For God's sake (or whoever you believe in), have a dream. and tell yourself that you will act on this dream. 1% at a time.
Action Item: Write 10 dreams on a piece of paper. It doesn't matter how small or big it is. It's important to realize that we have a dream that's different from our jobs.
2. Gather a circle of friends who share the same vision as you do.
What do Tir McDohl, Riou, Hugo, Lazlo and the Nameless Prince have in common?
They're the protagonists of Konami's Suikoden series and they are Pokémon Trainers out to collect all 108 Pokémon to gather the 108 Stars to achieve their goal of overthrowing the bad guys. Not to mention that collecting all 108 Pokémon Stars will unlock the True Ending.
A JRPG hero can't be a loner. He needs friends to defeat the baddie with the Power of Friendship (think Fairy Tail!). A typical JRPG hero needs a healer (who's usually the love interest) , a tank, a black mage, a long range shooter and a fury side kick.
Look at Grandia. Justin started with Sue and Puffy in his party. He met Feena. He met Gadwin. Then Sue and Gadwin left. Then there was Milda. Rapp. Guido. Liete. His party had to change numerous times. But the Awardee for the ever-changing party goes to the Suikoden Series (108 stars! Just how many combinations can you create for that?? 24,240 combinations! amazing~!)
To live this second idea, we (and I) need to be true to ourselves. Be authentic. Meet people. Some people will stick. Some won't. When you do meet the people who stick for what you stand and who you are: "CONGRATULATIONS! New party member acquired!"
I don't have a lot of real life friends who share the same interests. I do know a couple, but I haven't tried to connect with them. I have my friends from the student publication I joined in college. we occasionally meet...when work doesn't eat us (Haven't met any ones who like JRPGs, anime, create stories like to make video games, likes to draw---oh, I did. Before. )
From my experience, having people who're supportive of your dreams is great! It's truly amazing.
Acton Item: Write 10 places where you'll likely meet people who share common interests. It doesn't matter what kind of interest you have. Just write!
3. Have the equipment for the journey!
Okay, now this isn't exclusive for the "dream". Even routine jobs, or mundane tasks can benefit from this.
The characters from the Lunar Series purchase equipment from the next town they visit (because it automatically offers better stats than the previous town!). The characters from Suikoden 1 and 2 needed to see a Blacksmith to sharpen their weapons (and the weapon's names change!)
Dream to write? Purchase a pen and a pad of paper or a laptop (if you don't like the previous option)
Dream to sing? Buy a karaoke machine. Go to a karaoke bar and practice.
Dream to be a pianist? Buy a piano. Fine tune any piano in you house.
Want to be more efficient with your office job? Check your supplies: are the folders labeled? Are your pens working? Is the stapler even functioning?
Want a clean home? Do I even have a broom to sweep the floor? Soap to wash my dishes?
In my opinion, dreams or tasks require a vehicle to take-off. equipment can be a vehicle. It makes traveling from point A to point B possible.
 Action Item: Write 10 essential items for the dreams in Action Item #1.
Part 2 coming soon. 

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