Thoughts to Ponder

Give yourself the freedom to create with worries. There's a reason why the "Edit" button was created.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Rejection Quest: A tale of dealing with rejection

"To cure a arachnophobia, you must immerse yourself in a sea of spiders."

"...Are you stupid, or what?..."

Rejection, a 3 syllable word with a bitter taste on my lips. 

I have hated it from the moment I was born. 

It sucks. It's an unpleasant feeling.

People tell you how important it is to be rejected, but truth is, no one wants to be rejected!

To be rejected means you're trash. 

And it sucks, big time. 

A long time ago, I didn't want to be rejected. This led me to reject people first, simply because I didn't want them to pull in on me first.

Before you get me, I'll get you first!

Flawed logic, yes? 

But I'm not the only one.

(cite a study)

Someone told me that it's embracing our rejections and failures that enable us to grow.

I have  poor pain tolerance and I'm supposed to embrace it?


One sultry afternoon, I was looking for an online writing job. 

I looked at the bulletin and saw several requests. 

I emailed one, and guess what?

I received not a single response.

I didn't include a sample, so I drafted one, praying that someone would bite it. 

Still none. 

The next day, I emailed each request, and guess what?

Still none.

At that moment, with childlike glee, a thought flickered in my head.

"This is rejection. Why not collect them and allow me to be used to it? I can be immune to rejection later on. The benefit? I can go for what I want without being afraid."

The next day, I responded to requests and still, received no responses. 

Either I need to improve my copy writing skills, or I need to create a writing portfolio. 

Either which, I have embarked on a Rejection Quest.

A tale of making fun of myself and improve by collecting and develop immunity against rejection. 

Are you interested in taking this quest with me?

Let the journey begin!

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